Christ netted fishermen – the first disciples

Christ netted fishermen, called them to follow, 

challenged them squarely, called each one by name;
hearing the carpenter they would be joiners,
lives changed forever, they’d not be the same.

On down through ages the people have wondered,
wandered, exploring then what it might mean
if they could risk it, to mirror this hist’ry
joining the narrative, sharing each scene.

Now in this moment, then, let us consider:
dare we love freely the outcast, despised,
reach out with kindness to those now rejected,
in them see Jesus, though lost or disguised.

Andrew Pratt
Words © 2024 Stainer & Bell Ltd, London, England . Please include any reproduction for local church use on your CCL Licence returns. All wider and any commercial use requires prior application to Stainer & Bell Ltd.

Published by

Andrew Pratt

Andrew Pratt was born in Paignton, Devon, England in 1948.

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