A hymn inspired by 1 Samuel 8: 4 – 11, 16 – 20 for Second Sunday after Pentecost perhaps still pertinent? – The warning went unheeded…

A hymn inspired by 1 Samuel 8: 4 – 11, 16 – 20 
for Second Sunday after Pentecost perhaps still pertinent?

1 The warning went unheeded,
that power corrupts and fires
a need for domination,
that wealth and fear conspires
to elevate the powerful,
to subjugate the poor,
that those who have most riches
will always look for more.

2 The people pleaded loudly,
'most nations have a king',
and reason would not change them
from wanting such a thing.
As history unfolded
they learnt, as if in youth,
that kings are only human,
a long-forgotten truth.

3 So Saul was soon anointed
and feted by his peers,
his reign was sometimes blighted,
brought hurt and pain and tears.
That lesson we're still learning:
that power blinds to need,
and wealth is hoarded, hidden,
and selfishness a creed.

Andrew E Pratt (born 1948)
Words © 2015 Stainer & Bell Ltd, London, England copyright@stainer.co.uk . Please include any reproduction for local church use on your CCL Licence returns. All wider and any commercial use requires prior application to Stainer & Bell Ltd
Metre: 7 6 7 6 D

Published by

Andrew Pratt

Andrew Pratt was born in Paignton, Devon, England in 1948.

3 thoughts on “A hymn inspired by 1 Samuel 8: 4 – 11, 16 – 20 for Second Sunday after Pentecost perhaps still pertinent? – The warning went unheeded…”

  1. I was so glad to see one of your hymns was used in the service for the Archbishop in the Cathedral on Sunday. Such good words for the occasion . ( I was in the scratch choir )
    Sent from my iPhone


    1. Thank you, but please excuse my ignorance. My hymns live their own lives. Could you please tell me which hymn, where, which AB? Thank you for your kindness.


  2. Thank you, but please excuse my ignorance. My hymns live their own lives. Could you please tell me which hymn, where, which AB? Thank you for your kindness.


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